Discovering Human Right Journalism

Discovering human rights journalism in Pakistani English dailies reporting Baluchistan conflict
Tariq Mehmood
The Baluchistan University of Information Technology,
Engineering and Management Sciences, Quetta
Shabbir Hussian
Bahria University, Islamabad
Dr. Bakht Rawan
Allama Iqbal Open University

Human rights journalism (HRJ) model has been applied in this study investigating the contents of two leading English dailies of Pakistan reporting on Baluchistan conflict which has caused massive human rights loss and violation in last several decades. The selected dailies, The News International and Dawn, found both with human rights journalism (HRJ) and human wrong journalism (HWJ) in the year 2016. The Dawn has reported many such stories with less HRJ whereas The News International has reported comparatively few stories but with more HRJ, solution-oriented news.
Keywords: Baluchistan Conflict, Pakistani English press, HRJ, HWJ